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Connect iOS device through wifi
Appium 1.5.3 GUI on Windows
Is Appium supporting Windows 10 App Automation?
Swipe screen until element found - Need function / logic
Support for the React Native Mobile Applications
Appium support web view
Spash Sceen display time
Please implement unlockScreen() for iOS
Request to suggest,how to run appium testcase through command prompt in windows machine?
Waiting for activity visiblity
Advantage of Appium over Squish
Add Bitmask enum to get a clear code on NetworkConnectionSetting
Android Emulators
Touchaction Press-moveTo-wait-release gesture is not implemented on IOS platform
Is it possible to manage to reset app client side?
Appium+Cucumber+TestNG how to make iOS real devices parallel Execute
Is there any way to launch Chrome Browser in iOS
Ios From UI testing or source code
Check whether Image on ImageView is present or not
Monitor network and app performance for a particular test case
Add support for css selector on Native context
Perform UI Automation from Objective-c application
Feature Request - Copy to clipboard on appium-desktop
Scroll in appium?
iOS device Chrome browser automation
Vocal commands and messages
Appium integration with Facebook stetho Android debug bridge
Windows Phone / Windows Embedded 8 Support roadmap?
CarPlay Support Screenshot external display
Touch event support
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