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How to test propagating screen like splash screen?
Is there any way to enable/disable app permission?
LOcating elelments
Appium Automation Development from Remote locations. How?
Framework for mobile automation
Can we Interact/Automate Peripheral devices in IOS devices using Appium
Is it possible to increase default time out of appium Server
Image Recognition in Java + Appium v1.9.0 + UIAutomator?
[Android] Is there any possibility to run appium without close/quit app(Keep the app alive)?
What are the new enhancements going to come for ios 12?
Unable to do Appium Parallel Execution
Compatibility with windows OS 2016
TouchAction or appium keywords to click a point on page without web element are not working in android google chrome browser
iOS parallel testing feature from Xcode
iOS Actions programmatically
How to simulate taking picture and give its input to app?
Verify app notification by locking and unlocking in Ios,?
Longpress at Coordinates
Input text from certain coordinates or append text?
Getting "java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial" while trying to swtich to browser from the app
Cannot customize http header or add http header via Appium method driver.get
When will "GetPerformanceData" be implemented/supported in Appium C#
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