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Locator strategies for Android with UiAutomator2
Appium - Camera scanning bank cheque for deposit
Running appium test suite for ios from jenkins slace
How can sent the date in a datepicker appium (Android API 19, version
Element showing visible =false in appium inspector but in Java client, isDisplayed() true
Process didn't end after 10000ms
How To get the current position of controls on Android TV app automation
Are parallel Testing on multiple Android devices possible without Selenium grid
What is difference between term "selector strategies" and term "Locator strategies"
iOS: MobileBy.AccessibilityId throws invalidOperationException
Command 'java -version' exited with error code 20
How to get the iOS device console logs with appium java?
How to set up Appium on iOS
How do I do a clean uninstall on my mac to reinstall Appium?
Setup and Run Appium-Tests Without Emulator
Docker Appium and Emulators
Restarting Appium server issues
How to automate a 3rd party ios app on a real device
"Error: activity and pkg is required for launching application" on trying to launch Android native settings
Push app in background and then bring the app back into foreground
Unable to scroll when multiple horizontal scroll is present
Switch between apps
Appium server takes 19 minutes to start session
I have a app to test on iOS & Android platform. What are best practices for script writting, so I could run same script on both platform. Is it possible to run script on iOS device where Appium is running on Windows machine
Not able to click even element clickable is true
How to set up appium on MAC(iOS) machine?
Connection with "No Application" via not Appium Desktop
HTTP Status: '405' -> incorrect JSON status mapping for 'unknown error' (500 expected)
Any update on TouchActions for WebView? (Android)
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