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Identify nightmode or not
Is there way to handle iOS Alerts before App gets launched
Define Custom ANDROID_HOME for appium
Appium Desktop 1.7.2 take lots of time to start?
While perform maven clean in pom.xml it is showing "Launching executing clean error"
Not able to use csssector with safari with RemoteWebdriver
What is difference between Appium and UiAutomator2 Automation Engine
Is there a way to increase session time?
Execute 2 Android Test simultaneously - problem during install apk
Text to Speech is getting turned on when launch app in Android TV
Android TV automation
Background running app to bring to foreground is not working with Appium version 1.7.2 .It shows Stderr: ‘java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: starting Intent
How to use bound in hybrid application?
How to Identify WebView Elements in Android Hybrid App?
Constant crashing with Appium Desktop on Mac (java script error message)
How to launch both native app and chrome browser on android to switch between them
To get all the elements from the Scrollable list
What is Future? MobileElement or IOSElement and AndroidElement
What are the major challenges with Appium?
Installed Appium via npm but it is not starting on terminal
iOS fails to switch to PayPal web-view
What is correct syntax for writing findByUIAutomator
Want to know which Appium server is compatible for xcode version 9.3 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.4
Appium read notifications without changing context
Appium getText() returns android:hint value from EditText?
Login with different username on few devices parallelly
How to handle wait until alertIsPresent with java client 5.0.4
Access to ADB session
How to scroll in Webview
Appium and Selenium Grid with multiple Android versions
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