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How to scroll on a specific character of the screen(Android)?
Swipe/Scroll best practice with Java-Client 5
Why are the MobileElement driver options not available?
How to initialize the driver so it can be used by all classes
WinAppDriver exited unexpectedly with code 3221225781. Any solution?
Does AndroidDriver not support findElementByCssSelector?
How to check the checkBox status for IOSElement?
Can I run Appium script (Python) on already running app in iOS Simulator?
Is it possible to attach iOS Appium Inspector to the currently running app in the Simulator?
Move AppiumDriver focus to the front so I can interact with dropdown options?
Unable to scroll till desired element in list in iOS automation
Appium Desktop Port occupation
Error while executing command: Locator Strategy \'css selector\' is not supported for this session
How to run Appium scripts in parallel based on methods
Inspect a Windows Application which has been already running
How to run appium & eclipse by using COMMAND PROMPT
Need an example for wait till element disappears with JS and WD
Android apk elements not finding
Signature stripped
Can appium imitate or fake a nfc tagging event?
Error While installing Applicaton
Can't find element locator
Appium server sends cache values to the mobile
Unable to Scroll the seekbar
Appium automation using node.js
Making Tests More Robust
Is it possible to integrate Appium and Part of Premerge test in CI build
Clear method clears the value but retains and when send keys new value is passed the text box shows previous value + new value in selenium Appium. Kindly suggest. Version:java-client-5.0.4 Appium Server:1.5.0 Selenium: 3.5.3
.click() not working on button for Android?
Finding a proper way to start test on Samsung 8.0.0 naive browser
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