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Is their any documentation on iOS-WebKit-proxy for Automating Hybrid Apps(UIWebview opens within the app) using Appium?
Appium 1.7.0 claims there is a method to start and stop recording in android , does anyone knows how to use it?
Having issue with automating WEBVIEW_ part of the App
Help with .xcconfig for automating real ios device
Find by id with uiautomator2
How to turn off the mobile data in iOS.. can someone suggest the ways
Missing element functionality in appium desktop
Starting Appium in Java Programmitacally
How to run 2-3 test cases in Appium
Is bundle ID really needed?
Inspect element of app running on real device
Use of Accessibility ID, significance of Intent in Appium settings
Where exactly accessibility identifier be display in xml?as i am very new..how can we find accessibility id using appium inspector
Appium finds notification tray elements rather than application's elements
How the scrollTo() and scrollToExact() methods are working?
How can give manual input during testing
Unable to invoke browser in MACbook using Simulator
How to hook in current session with appium inspector
Page model pattern on device with different inches
Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout) - Q: What am I missing? A: add read_timeout: capability!
Foreground application to backGround vice versa
Looking for expert in Appium for IOS -urgent- Bangalore
How to pick up the android device?
Cannot find children of React Native app's ScrollView and TouchableWithoutFeedback
UITextField custom inputAccessoryView
Undefined method Click
How to run appium-destop in non-gui mode?
Android 8 - locator changes
How to test multi app?
unicodeKeyboard does not work as expected
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