Hey @sujata_kalluri,
I can detect my cell, but now is not displayed, is there any change to scrollTo an element?
I tried something like that :
IOSElement logoutElement = (IOSElement)driver.findElementByAccessibilityId(LOGOUT_KEY);
if (!logoutElement.isDisplayed()) {
But it doesn't work at all.
In my case I do not want to give a string because the app can be localised, or text can be updated. I really want have something automatic.
-- EDIT --
The only way I found is to detect a cell that is already displayed and swipe down from it to get access to my cell. It's working but it's not a good idea if I change the cell order or anything else.
I did that with swipe(SwipeElementDirection.DOWN, 1000);
which take a millisec param (good to know because it's not in the documentation) and had to contains between 0.5sec and 60sec.
Hope it gonna help someone else.