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How can I start test without apk on my pc?
getText() takes too long (10 sec)
Appium for IOS run very slow from initiate till click element
List of Elements
Does Appium recognize xpath of hybrid apps?
Wifi testing on Android - Toggle join network with java
How do I see an appium script run on Appium Desktop?
Code Coverage on Android
Set context with c# and Ionic
Appium and its versions
Attribute 'visible' is displayed as false in inspector even if the element is present in screen in iOS
WebDriverException: Unexpected end of stream on connection
Count elements by xpath
How to handle appium findelements timeout
--session-override issue in appium 1.5
Appium protractor: getMultiCapabilities with list of devices as JSON
Unable to run Android test
Appium: command not found
Appium clicks cursor instead of button
How can I delete SMS/Text messages from device?
Test the H5 page in the WeChat, but it report error at the second time when switch the context
Click button using x and y cordinate
@IOSFindBy Not working
Two driver instances in one session
XCUITest element, taking too much time for find, click and send text on on xcitest element
Is there a way to click an element without findElementsByClassName?
Looking for generic Scroll method for IOS and Android(Urgent)
TouchAction - Press.MoveTo.Release.Perform became flick action
Need help starting two webdriver instances for two different devices
What is the difference between appium-desktop-Setup-1.6.2-ia32.exe and appium-desktop-Setup-1.6.2.exe
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