I am relatively new to using appium and coding in general. I have completed a UI test suite on an android app and can run all the tests successfully on individual devices. The tests can also be run in parallel using two appium instances with different ports, but the catch is each device has to have their own script to call a different webdriver instances in the desired capabilities. The test scripts are exactly the same and only differ in what device capabilities are being used. I know it is possible to start more than one webdriver instance to be used in a single scirpt on different ports, how do I do it in python3? How do I create multiple webdriver instances for two different devices and then use the same script to run the test in parallel? Using selenium grid is not something I want to use at this time since I’ve run into a few bugs associated with it.
the test looks something like this:
import DriverBuilder
class test_something(unitTest.Testcase):
driver = DriverBuilder().driver
def runTest(self):
//test some stuff
How do i include more driver instances in my script? I know this question has been asked a lot online but has yet to be answered, at least in python. If you know of any resources you could point me to that would very helpful as well. Thank you.