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After switch to webview context i am unable to click child button ellement in ios app web view page
How to write common appium code to test android and ios apps using C#
Run one script for both iOS & Android
Is there anyway to swipe on an element in Android web context?
How to automate on End Test result Fail?
How to validate multiple line text
Error in submitting the form in ios simulator in webview
Method Clear() not immediately emptying the predefined password field
Solved can deleted
XcodeBuild is successful thru terminal but I am still receiving xcodebuild failed with code 65 in APPIUM desktop Inspector
How to crop the screenshot captured by appium?
How to get tests to run on a specific Appium server when you have multiple Appium servers running
How to fetch ios clipboard text and assign it to a string variable in appium?
How can I start activity with string parameters
Appium and Bitrise
Run multiple Android tests from a test suit using TestNG xml in a single Appium session
Protractor test cases are not executing on real android device using appium
Real device iPhone with iOS 9.3 and Appium 1.5.3 is not opening a new tab
WEBVIEW not available for Cordova, Crosswalk based Android Hybrid App
Appium with Crosswalk app
Appium crosswalk- cordova application
How to run multiple simulators on a Mac machine and running parallel tests at the same time
Testing Google Analytics Implementation?
Getting all first child elements of an element
Need automated Android screen touches ACC to screen co ordinates
WebView on Android Emulator allows me to continue in Native but not on Physical Devices
Native App and Browser is not Launching
Android - longPress is not performing any action
How to handle Toggle Switch in appium
Use webdriverAgent binary path rather than build everytime while using appium for ios device
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