Hello All,
I'm trying to automate a Cordova (v5.1.1), Crosswalk based Android Hybrid app on Android 6.0.
When i query the available contexts, using: driver.getContextHandles()
Only NATIVE layer is shown. But not the WEBVIEW. Below is the log from server:
info: [debug] Available contexts: NATIVE_APP
Appium (1.6.3) could find the WEBVIEW of the same app on iOS (XCode 8, iOs 10.x). Issue is only on Android platform.
Also, on Android App, I'm able to identify the elements using Remote Debug (https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/remote-debugging/). but, the same app does not show the WEBVIEW when queried by Appium.
I'm using the Debug version of the app, which has the WebView enabled by default. I ensured to give enough time after app load, before querying the contexts. but, no luck so far.
Please let me know if any solutions.