Log In
Appium finds the button but does not click on it
Can't open an app without logging out and deleting the cache
Appium XCUITest failing due to Error starting iproxy: 'spawn iproxy ENOENT'
In Android 7.0, appium launches the app but wont perform further actions
Appium Logo changed ? How to setup new one?
A new session could not be created. Details: Problem getting session data for driver type AndroidDriver
Testautomation - Cant "click" on android screen
Appium With Firefox OS
Take Screenshot in Appium
Appium launching app with Ruby
Appium doesn't work when connected to VPN (Mac/ios)
WebdriverAgent Runner Crashes
Not able to run multiple Appium instances parallel to test Android hybrid app in Genymotion cloud devices
Remove app from background in IOS
Real ios device: Keep getting xcode failed with code 65
When using UIAutomator2 the screen does not turn off when Appium session is created
Could Not Launch Appium Inspector Xcode 8, appium 1.5.3 [SOLVED]
System Dialog handling with Appium 1.7.1 and Xcode 9
Connecting Appium Inspector to Appium Server running on Docker on Remote Machine
Selenium file upload using sikuli
What is the Latest GUI version of appium and how to get it for windows
Xcode 9.1 & Appium 1.7.1 - Question - Simulator issues - VectorKit and MapKit
Testing Maps using Appium
Unable to get text from ViewGroup
Zoom in on web browser
Scroll to an element in android chrome browser
How to scroll the page(web view) in mobile browsers using Appium(Android)
Initialize custom Widget without using Annotation
Not able to find any element using xPath after toggling the wifi to off
Cannot launch App on Testobject real device since xcode9
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