I’m testing an app that has a log in and then a tutorial only on the first time its used.
After that it should be logged in and no tutorial, but every time I open the app (even if i just open it and don’t install it) it deletes the cache and I have to log in and go through the tutorial all over again.
Is there a way to quit/ enter the app with all the cache?
I should mention that manually this works as I want it to.
Further investigation shows that it clears some of the app’s data
I entered the app, logged in and moved a few windows in the tutorial, then closed the app.
After this I entered the app manually and saw that I was logged in and that the app opened in the correct place where I left off. I went to the app’s info in the settings and saw that it holds 12kb in cache and 1.03mb in app data.
I then opened the app via appium and it return to the login form, I closed the app and saw the app data amount went down from 1.03mb to 632kb.
My desired capabilities look like this:
“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “6.0.1”,
“deviceName”: “Nexus 5”,
“appPackage”: “app”,
“appActivity”: “activity”,
"noReset ": “true”