@LyubomirStoimchev , Hi I was also facing the similar issue and thanks for your suggestion but when am writing the code to scroll to the element(which is still visible on the screen) its not scrolling
I have the list of elements(example 10) but the appium shows 7 elements but the screen shows 6 elements now I need to scroll to 7th element to see the remaining 3 elements.
When I use the below snippet its not scrolling to the 6th element , not sure if its because the 6th element is visible, however if I provide the text of 7th element which is not visible in the screen then the scrolling works.
‘new UiScrollable(new UiSelector().resourceId(“com.android.settings:id/dashboard_tile”).instance(6)).scrollIntoView(new UiSelector().className(“android.widget.TextView”));’)
I can’t pass the text of the element as its dynamic so I need to take the list of elements and move to the last element.
Is there any suggestions or am I doing any wrong in the above code? Can you please help me with this