I have successful iOS tests running, now trying tests on Android using similar methods. Using webdriverio in JS, I’ve added uiautomator2 as an automationName.
My issue is I can’t interact with elements…element("~com.xxx.dev:id/view_wizard_page_skip").click() is not working. When I run this through the desktop client and use the record function, it comes back suggesting: .element(“com.xxx.dev:id/view_wizard_page_skip”).click() but when I use this I get a “Locator Strategy ‘css selector’ is not supported for this session” as the tilde (~) is dropped.
I’ve also tried:
let skip = 'new UiSelector().resourceId(“com.xxx.dev:id/view_wizard_page_skip”)'
and then .click(skip)
But get the same error.
I finally tried a suggested:
But get a reference error as it doesn’t like “By” (I guess because I am not using Selendroid due to it being deprecated)
Any ideas?