seems to be caused by an old appium version installed on my machine. Please ignore this post.
The problem
My app is built using react-native and has content-desc for Sign In
button as follows but I can’t find the element using By.Id.
I’m using latest java 1.8 and latest appium client.
Appium 1.7.1
React Native is 0.49
Appium 1.6.5 works fine
The test code is MobileBy.id("Sign In")
I tried By.id
and MobileBy.AccessibilityId("Sign In")
as well without success
can find something though
- Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.7.1
- Last Appium version that did not exhibit the issue (if applicable): 1.6.5
- Desktop OS/version used to run Appium: macOS
- Node.js version (unless using Appium.app|exe):
- Mobile platform/version under test: android 5-8
- Real device or emulator/simulator: Simulator
- Appium CLI or Appium.app|exe: Appium CLI
Link to Appium logs
Other info
I tested https://github.com/appium/sample-code/blob/master/sample-code/apps/ContactManager/ContactManager.apk and I find Add Contact
button without issue. So I wonder if it is react specific