Hello, Shubham
Yes, you can set the waiting time for element searching.
Its the “implicitlyWait” function that can be found maybe in AppiumDriverBuilder in your project, depends how you wrote it.
So, basically you should find this, somewhere in your project:
iosDriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
The first argument that implicitlyWait function accepts is how many seconds should the driver wait to find an element. In my case, is 30 seconds. You can set it to less if you wish to work faster. But that depends what kind of app you are testing. Sometimes, you need to wait more for some elements to show up. If you are facing an app which communicates with backend a lot, then 30 seconds should be fine. If its more as an static app, then you should put less.
I hope that helped!