first, I got it working so far that Android Studio has found my device in the adb - list.
Also, my Appium is connected well to selenium 3.6.0. I can run Java-tests using the Android-driver opening the selenium-hub and this works so far.
Now, to the problem. I also want to integrate this in Maven in our bamboo from Atlassian for browsertesting.
For Firefox I use this:
/opt/apache/maven/current/bin/mvn integration-test -Dit.test=LoggingInTest,ActionWizardTest,CampaignManagementTest -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://hupIP:4444/wd/hub -Dwebdriver.driver=“firefox” -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dcontext=“firefox”
Can anyone explain me, how to set this getting it working for Android which I connected using Appium to the selenium hub?
I tried appium driver and Android driver with no success
Best and many thanks,