The Application is only opening but as per our resource ID (attribute) written in script, the element is not being located. Previously webdriver agent was being installed and then the application was being installed but after updation to new appium and xcode, only the application is being installed and stays still with following error in console.
Environment -
Appium version (or git revision) that exhibits the issue: 1.9.2-beta.2
Desktop OS/version used to run Appium: 10.13.6
Node.js version (unless using|exe): 10.7.0
Mobile platform/version under test: iOS 12.0
Real device or emulator/simulator: Real Device and Simulator
Appium CLI or|exe:
[Xcode] t = 0.64s Open com.release.*****
[Xcode] t = 0.64s Launch com.release.*****
[Xcode] t = 0.74s Wait for com.release.***** to idle
[Xcode] t = 60.77s App event loop idle notification not received, will attempt to continue.
[Xcode] t = 60.78s App animations complete notification not received, will attempt to continue.