Jonathan Lipps posted the following notes:
Hi everyone,
I'm pleased to announce that Appium Server v1.2.2 has been released, with many bugfixes:
I wanted to point out two bugfixes that might be breaking changes for some users. First of all, sendKeys() no longer erroneously clears out the textfield before typing text into. So if you depended on this erroneous behavior, you might need to add clear() before your sendKeys() call.
Clearing a textfield in Android with hint text doesn't work, so we added a new method setText()
which will perform the equivalent of clear()
+ sendKeys()
for android hint fields.
Check your client library for more information on how to use this new command.
Secondly, XPath searches on Android have been pretty broken for a while. We made some changes that should help a lot, including changing our XPath library to a less buggy one, however there's a chance certain XPath selectors might not target the same elements as before. So if you rely heavily on XPath, give things a shot but be aware there might be some changes required.