I have had success connecting to Xamarin App and a Native React App (both on Android and iOS). However, we are considering moving to an Appcelerator Titanium framework for our Mobile apps and I cannot even connect to the simple HelloWorld app on Android.
Here are my base capabilities:
“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “7.1.1”,
“deviceName”: “Android device”,
“app”: “/Users/awaldorf/Downloads/app-unsigned.apk”,
“noReset”: true
I’ve tried setting the appPackage and appActivity but neither of those have worked for both the sample app and our company’s app.
I have an unsigned app that I can send for someone to look at. I would really like to use Appium to automate our Mobile Apps but if I cannot even connect, I will need to seek out another tool.
Andrea Waldorf