Hello, I can open the application(hepsiburada.com) on the Android Emulator device. And, by looking at my logs, I can see that the Id of the button is found but it waits 10 secs to find element then return error;
“Failed: “LOGIN_POPUP_CLOSE” butonuna tıklanır
Filename: /Users/sahabt/Documents/MavenDev/gauge_mobile/specs/concepts/loginol.cpt:5
Message: org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: Expected condition failed: waiting for element to be clickable: By.id: com.pozitron.hepsiburada:id/ivLoginClose (tried for 10 second(s) with 500 milliseconds interval)
Stack Trace:
It cannot find the element and click… Can you guys help me about this issue ?
Here is my projects repo; https://github.com/emirhangl/Gauge-Maven-Java-Mobile_Automation_Sample