Hi guys,
background info:
Mac book air : version 10.13.4
Appium desktop: 1.5
Android studio: 3.1.2
Emulator: Nexus 5
Operating system: Oreo or 8.0
I was able to successfully create my desired capabilities on the appium desktop. 1.5.0 It worked and I was super happy.
these are the desired capabilities:
“platformName”: “Android”,
“platformVersion”: “8.0”,
“deviceName”: “jacquelineNexus5”,
“automationName”: “Appium”,
“app”: “/Users/jacquelinegeorge/Documents/Appium/Apps/ApiDemos-debug.apk”
I just ran them again and and I got the the following error message:
‘could not connect to server are you sure its running’.
I don’t have any internet issues what exactly does this mean?
I want to also had the emulator was running at the time as well and the server was running was fine far as I am aware. I am very confused