io.appium:java-client: 5.0.4 appium-xcuitest-driver : 2.78.0
Is your driver an instance of AppiumDriver or IOSDriver?
Maybe you are using WebDriver driver instance instead of AppiumDriver
My driver is an instance of IOSDriver, basically I have it as
Blockquote ((IOSDriver) driver).pushFile(remotePath, file);
The driver I am using is AppiumDriver Definitely not a webdriver.
Have you tried to use pushFile for iOS ?
It works for iOS simulator only.
Check Jonhathan edition about it:
Thank you Really appreciated your help
Hi @Telmo_Cardoso I’m following this link for android:
but while tying to add my project it not working, showing error at .puhsFile method, I have tied by casting AppiumDriver also, please have a look the screenshot
@Telmo_Cardoso could you please help me ?
I’m not working with Appium currently. But from what I remembered pushFile belongs to AndroidDriver. You sure your driver var is an instance of AndroidDriver?
Also you can follow Jonathan code in github (