In the past I’ve used:
@driverAppium.execute_script(‘mobile: scroll’, name:
which worked pretty well in the past. In 1.9.1 I’m seeing the scroll go right past the item. I believe the visible status is not updating. I tried a similar test with
@driverAppium.execute_script(‘mobile: scroll’, direction: “down”)
in binding.pry and I see the visible state of the element doesn’t change to true so the scroll does not stop. I can tell because after the scroll completes I can do a display check and the visible state is still false even though I am looking at the element on the screen. Manually scrolling will update the visible state to true. Basically all I did was upgrade to get this failure. Any help or a workaround would be appreciated.
Ruby code, iOS Simulator or Live Device both have the same issue, My OS is Mac High Sierra.