please help me to click on these buttons..
thanks in advance.
You can simulate pressing these keys using the appium driver's press_keycode method, which calls adb's "input keyevent", shown here in Ruby
appium_driver.driver.press_keycode <keycode>
Back is 4Menu is 82Recent Apps is 187 (APP_SWITCH)
You can find the full list of keycodes here:
Hi Can you help with the above code
in Java
((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.BACK); ((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.HOME);
the driver which i am using is of AndroidDriver so i guess there is no need to type cast that.Any which ways the ide is not prompting me with pressKeyCode method
I got the solution for the same driver.sendKeyEvent(keycode) for menu button the key code is 82
the same is:
((AndroidDriver) driver).pressKeyCode(AndroidKeyCode.KEYCODE_MENU);
your java-client is old version
How to press the same in C#.. I tried but not able to find any near function to above solutions!!!! Help will be appreciated.
Python code for hardware back buttondriver.press_keycode(4)
driver.navigate().back(); works perfectly for me
This is fine to navigate back..but if i want to click on CAMERA button pressKeyCode is not working for me even after using java client 5.0please let me know if someone has implemented the same.
Hello @ranjith_hs,Which Event Number you are using?
I was using appium java client 3.4.1 with SendKeyEvent
now that i am not able to use PressKeyCode with 3.4.1
Hi willosser, I’m new to Appium, I have the same question how to use the return button in Ruby, I already tried driver.sendKeyEvent(4) but it gives me error. can you help me with this
undefined local variable or method `appium_driver’
Hi Viswesvar,
You’ll have to provide a bit more information, such as your code.
I’m guessing that you expect the object appium_driver to be your appium driver. Where did you set that?
I am using the above code but its not working for me.
since pressKeyCode has been depreciated you can use
import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import; import; //initialize AppiumDriver and DesiredCapabilities ((AndroidDriver<MobileElement>) driver).pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.HOME)); ((AndroidDriver<MobileElement>) driver).pressKey(new KeyEvent(AndroidKey.APP_SWITCH));