I am getting the following message while identifying element the highlighted element in “Appium”.
Appium: 1.7.1 Device: IPhone X (12.0 & Simulator) Java client: 1.6.1 Xcode: V 10
Interactions are not available for this element
Aim to read the content of the element using .gettext() method.
Logic used.
// Explicit wait with 30 seconds.
return driver.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(WebElement))).getText();
WebElement used.
1, /XCUIElementTypeApplication[@name=“Event Manager”]/XCUIElementTypeWindow[1]/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther/XCUIElementTypeOther[3]/XCUIElementTypeOther
2, //XCUIElementTypeOther[3]/XCUIElementTypeOther
None of the above return the text that are there in the image. Also no exception/error thrown as well.
Any help on what else can be done to read the webelement?