Appium Desktop Server 1.7.1
Android Studio 3.0.1 with two created emulators: emulator-5554 and emulator-5556
If only one emulator (5554) is runnig - starting Appium Desktop Server works fine, it is connecting to the emulator-5554
Capability: {…, “deviceName”: “emulator-5554”, …}
If there are two runnig emulator running at the same time, capability “deviceName”: “emulator-5554” doesn’t work. Appium Desktop server is connecting to the emulator-5556 (adb device returns emulator-5556, then emulator-5554).
Question: is it possible to connect Appium Desktop server to the particular emulator?
P.S.: I have just simplified the model - I am using two appium servers (on the same PC but with two different ports), connected to the selenium hub.