Is there exist a capability that we can increase this timeout for “Waiting up to 20000ms for activity matching pkg” command for Android tests? I’ve tried appWaitDuration with appWaitActivity but without luck
I’m trying to run my tests through Jenkins on weak server and getting an error “Encountered internal error running command: Error: Cannot start the ‘myAPP’ application. Original error: Error executing adbExec. Original error: ‘Command ‘/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 shell am start -W -n myapp/md59f575434f825bd763d723432324ca1a771623.MainActivity -S -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER -f 0x10200000’ timed out after 20000ms’; Stderr: ‘’; Code: ‘null’”
I guess the is apkUtilsMethods.waitForActivityOrNot function but how to set timeout through capabilities?