Hi Nishant
I want to use Tap method of iOSDriver Like
driver.tap(1, (int) screenWidth,(int) screenHeight, 5);
following is my code snippet
static WebDriver driver =null;
DesiredCapabilities dc= new DesiredCapabilities();
dc.setCapability("platformName", "iOS");
dc.setCapability("platformVersion", "8.4");
dc.setCapability("deviceName", "iPhone 6");
dc.setCapability("app", "App Path");
dc.setCapability("acceptAllAlert", true);
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(""),dc);
Dimension dimensions =driver.manage().window().getSize();
float screenWidth = (dimensions.getWidth())/4;
float screenHeight = 3*(dimensions.getHeight())/4;
System.out.println(screenWidth+" "+screenHeight);
********Now I want to use Tap method which serve by AppiumDriver***************
But here below code not work with Remote web driver so I need to create the driver for AppiumDriver or iOSDriver
driver.tap(1, (int) screenWidth,(int) screenHeight, 5);
Please provide me if you have solution