Hi @Jon_Ellman,
Yes, automation for an iOS real device is tricky (android is much easier, so probably try to start with it if you have such possibility), so I understand your frustration. But title of the issue is a bit offensive (ppl are working on open source project, not requesting you to pay for that, and for you - such a solution is just a joke)
But getting to the point of the question - as it was commented earlier all impediments that you facing caused due to Apple security strategy. In addition, comparing to Selenium, Appium is pretty young and evolving project.
In your particular situation, I would recommend installing Appium Desktop https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releases/download/v1.2.6/appium-desktop-1.2.6.dmg
After installing it as mac application (copy into Application folder), please open the app and try to follow these steps:
- click ‘Start Server v1.7.1’;
- then, on the next screen, click magnifying glass icon on the right top corner (‘Start inspection section’);
- leave Automatic Server selected;
- provide following desire capabilities, click ‘Save’ button and then ‘Start Session’
{ "bundleId": "com.apple.Preferences", "deviceName": "AnyName", "platformVersion": "11.0.3", "automationName": "XCUITest", "udid": "auto", "platformName": "ios", "xcodeConfigFile": "~/Desktop/wdaBuild.xcconfig" }
If it fails - try to run following command to get the clear message of why WDA build fails (most likely exactly WDA is a problem here): xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id={replace with udid of your phone} IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0 -xcconfig ~/Desktop/wdaBuild.xcconfig
. Let us know what error you see in the terminal output.
If it succeeds - you should see settings of the iPhone opened. If it’s happen - try to replace “bundleId”: “com.apple.Preferences” with “app”: “path to your IPA file”. Needless to say that IPA should be built with developer’s certificate and AdHoc profile and/or profile that has udid of connected iPhone inlisted.
If you succeed with app capability and your app would be deployed and executed on the targeted device - please update this topic with your progress.
Would be great to have you on board and see your PR to make Appium solution less painful for beginners.