Hello there! I am new to appium(Ruby Cucumber for Android) using Appium v1.7.1 on a Nexus 5(OS 5.1) and I can’t get my code to swipe from the Left to the right to work using percents.
Appium::TouchAction.new.swipe(start_x: 0.1, start_y: 0.5, offset_x: 0.99, offset_y: 0.5, duration:1000).perform
Appium::TouchAction.new.swipe(start_x: 10, start_y: 0.5, offset_x: 900, offset_y: 0.5, duration:1000).perform
works. Which is problematic because if I try to test on a device with a smaller screen it goes off screen and the step fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated!