Hope anyone can help me with this tough nut.
My framework is:
IntelliJ IDEA
Android 7 emulators from Android studio
Appium 1.7.1
Java 1.8
Gradle project with imported dependencies of java-client version: ‘5.0.4’
I am making automated test for mobile games, in my scripts i’m mixing a lot of methods.
The games are written in the Unity engine so there is no XML UI context.
Until today i used java-client, version: 5.0.0-BETA9 and it worked for me, i just made a script that made taps and swipes in certain x y coordinates in a certain time (witch is not so reliable).
But now i have the need to Use both WebElement and taps/swipes.
in java-client version: ‘5.0.4’ the “driver.findElementByAccessibilityId()” method doesn’t work.
and in java-client, version: 5.0.0-BETA9 the “driver.swipe()” method doesn’t work.
Iv’e tried every version in between and non of them lets both methods work.
in addition to that i can’t even find any working scrolling method that works in any of the versions, and no new documentations for the new updated versions
Really need your help!