Hi there !!
I'm kind a new to appium and during my test automation I observed there are no "scrollTo" and "scrollToExact" functionalities in latest appium version. Is this correct ? If so, kindly let me know how can I perform scrollToSpecificElement using appium for IOS App.
I tried the following piece of code which does the "SWIPE.UP" in the "TableView" of the App :
HashMap scrollMap = getScrollStartAndEndElements(driver); // This function gets the start and end coordinates calculated from dimensions of the window and relevant element dimensions
Map Contains : {{start,start_coordinates},{end,end_coordinates}}
for(int i=0;i< driver.findElementsByXPath("//XCUIElementTypeTable//XCUIElementTypeCell").size();i++)
driver.swipe(0, ((Integer) scrollMap.get("start")), 0, (Integer) scrollMap.get("end"), 2000);
But how can I exactly scrollToSpecificElement using above code or any alternative way. Any help would be greatly appreciated.