Hi All,
I have started a large progect of automation writting in python and run from win10.
Now i want to add test for IOS real device, i connectd it to MAC mini alsi install appium-1.4.0.dmg.
I set all the capabilities and set the driver with the MAC IP and port like this
driver = webdriver.Remote(‘http://<MAC-IP:/wd/hub’, capabilities)
i get appium error:
error: Failed to start an Appium session, err was: Error: ENOENT, stat '/Applications/Appium.app/Contents/Resources/node_modules/appium/build/SafariLauncher/SafariLauncher.zip
Is that all i need?? should i install XCUITest driver? if so where on the MAC or on the PC where i run the Python code.
My real connected device is IOS 11.1.2
My MAC is High Sierra 10.13 latest Xcode