I am trying to run iOS app on a simulator.
I have added the simulator udid & the device name to the capabilities however after the app & the wda were installed the app fails to launch.
Should I do anything else in order for it to be launch successfully?
Do notice that on regular device it works fine.
Any help will be most appreciated.
Last login: Thu Nov 9 23:15:57 on ttys000
Menys-MacBook-Pro:~ menypeled$ appium &
[1] 27279
Menys-MacBook-Pro:~ menypeled$ [Appium] Welcome to Appium v1.7.2-beta
[Appium] Appium REST http interface listener started on
Menys-MacBook-Pro:~ menypeled$ [HTTP] --> POST /wd/hub/session {“desiredCapabilities”:{“app”:"/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app",“newCommandTimeout”:60,“platformVersion”:“11.0.1”,“xcodeOrgId”:“7Y5J2RJXYV”,“automationName”:“XCUITest”,“useNewWDA”:“false”,“udid”:“F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“deviceName”:“iPhone 8\t “,“updatedWDABundleId”:“beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe”,“xcodeSigningId”:“iPhone Developer”}}
[debug] [MJSONWP] Calling AppiumDriver.createSession() with args: [{“app”:”/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app”,“newCommandTimeout”:60,“platformVersion”:“11.0.1”,“xcodeOrgId”:“7Y5J2RJXYV”,“automationName”:“XCUITest”,“useNewWDA”:“false”,“udid”:“F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6”,“platformName”:“iOS”,“deviceName”:"iPhone 8\t ",“updatedWDABundleId”:“beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe”,“xcodeSigningId”:“iPhone Developer”},null,null]
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘newSessionRequested’ logged at 1510262414967 (23:20:14 GMT+0200 (IST))
[Appium] Creating new XCUITestDriver (v2.54.2) session
[Appium] Capabilities:
[Appium] app: ‘/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app’
[Appium] newCommandTimeout: 60
[Appium] platformVersion: ‘11.0.1’
[Appium] xcodeOrgId: ‘7Y5J2RJXYV’
[Appium] automationName: ‘XCUITest’
[Appium] useNewWDA: ‘false’
[Appium] udid: ‘F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6’
[Appium] platformName: ‘iOS’
[Appium] deviceName: 'iPhone 8\t '
[Appium] updatedWDABundleId: ‘beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe’
[Appium] xcodeSigningId: ‘iPhone Developer’
[BaseDriver] Capability ‘useNewWDA’ changed from string to boolean. This may cause unexpected behavior
[BaseDriver] Session created with session id: 114197fa-376c-4df4-8661-639159e4440d
[debug] [XCUITest] Xcode version set to ‘9.0.1’ (tools v9.
[debug] [XCUITest] iOS SDK Version set to ‘11.0’
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘xcodeDetailsRetrieved’ logged at 1510262415184 (23:20:15 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Changing deviceName from 'iPhone 8 ’ to ‘iPhone2017-A’
[iOSSim] Constructing iOS simulator for Xcode version 9.0.1 with udid ‘F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6’
[XCUITest] Determining device to run tests on: udid: ‘F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6’, real device: false
[BaseDriver] Using local app ‘/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app’
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘appConfigured’ logged at 1510262415627 (23:20:15 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Checking whether app ‘/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app’ is actually present on file system
[debug] [XCUITest] App is present
[debug] [iOS] Getting bundle ID from app ‘/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app’: ‘beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe’
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘resetStarted’ logged at 1510262415639 (23:20:15 GMT+0200 (IST))
[XCUITest] Not scrubbing third party app in anticipation of uninstall
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘resetComplete’ logged at 1510262415760 (23:20:15 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [iOSLog] Starting iOS 11.0 simulator log capture
[debug] [iOSLog] System log path: /Users/menypeled/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6/system.log
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘logCaptureStarted’ logged at 1510262415943 (23:20:15 GMT+0200 (IST))
[XCUITest] Setting up simulator
[debug] [iOS] No reason to set locale
[debug] [iOS] No iOS / app preferences to set
[debug] [iOSSim] Setting common Simulator preferences to {“ConnectHardwareKeyboard”:false}
[debug] [iOSSim] Updated shared Simulator preferences at ‘/Users/menypeled/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist’ with {“ConnectHardwareKeyboard”:false}
[debug] [iOSSim] The count of running Simulator UI client instances is 0
[iOSSim] Booting Simulator with UDID F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6…
[iOSSim] Starting Simulator UI with command: open -Fn /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Applications/Simulator.app --args -CurrentDeviceUDID F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6 -ConnectHardwareKeyboard 0
[debug] [iOSSim] The count of running Simulator UI client instances is 1
[iOSSim] Simulator with UDID F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6 booted in 24 seconds
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘simStarted’ logged at 1510262440373 (23:20:40 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Reset requested. Removing app with id ‘beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe’ from the device
[debug] [XCUITest] Installing ‘/Users/menypeled/Documents/workspace/iOS_Appium/SkyGiraffe_5.12.3.app’ on Simulator with UUID ‘F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6’…
[debug] [XCUITest] The app has been installed successfully.
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘appInstalled’ logged at 1510262460510 (23:21:00 GMT+0200 (IST))
[XCUITest] Using WDA path: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent’
[XCUITest] Using WDA agent: ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj’
[debug] [XCUITest] Capability ‘useNewWDA’ set to false, so trying to reuse currently running WDA instance at ‘http://localhost:8100/’
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [XCUITest] WDA is not listening at ‘http://localhost:8100/’. Rebuilding…
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘wdaStartAttempted’ logged at 1510262460920 (23:21:00 GMT+0200 (IST))
[XCUITest] Launching WebDriverAgent on the device
[debug] [XCUITest] Carthage found: ‘/usr/local/bin/carthage’
[debug] [XCUITest] Killing running processes ‘xcodebuild.*F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6, iproxy 8100, F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6.*XCTRunner’ for the device F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6…
[debug] [XCUITest] ‘pgrep -nif xcodebuild.*F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6’ didn’t detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [XCUITest] ‘pgrep -nif iproxy 8100’ didn’t detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [XCUITest] ‘pgrep -nif F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6.*XCTRunner’ didn’t detect any matching processes. Return code: 1
[debug] [XCUITest] Using Xcode 9.0.1, so fixing WDA codebase
[debug] [XCUITest] Beginning test with command ‘xcodebuild build-for-testing test-without-building -project /usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent/WebDriverAgent.xcodeproj -scheme WebDriverAgentRunner -destination id=F11C4DF5-BB1F-4584-BD47-3A639529CBB6 IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=11.0’ in directory ‘/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/node_modules/appium-xcuitest-driver/WebDriverAgent’
[debug] [XCUITest] Output from xcodebuild will not be logged. To see xcode logging, use ‘showXcodeLog’ desired capability
[debug] [XCUITest] Waiting up to 60000ms for WebDriverAgent to start
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [XCUITest] Log file for xcodebuild test: /var/folders/mr/lbh2rfw568g5v74x7g7vgx440000gn/T/com.apple.dt.XCTest/IDETestRunSession-0933A387-5D41-42A9-B935-C19E99CD36CC/WebDriverAgentRunner-134CD079-C450-44DA-AC48-402D134CAE94/Session-WebDriverAgentRunner-2017-11-09_232112-DPyMfU.log
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [GET /status] to [GET http://localhost:8100/status] with no body
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: “{\n “value” : {\n “state” : “success”,\n “os” : {\n “name” : “iOS”,\n “version” : “11.0.1”\n },\n “ios” : {\n “simulatorVersion” : “11.0.1”,\n “ip” : “”\n },\n “build” : {\n “time” : “Nov 9 2017 22:47:22”\n }\n },\n “sessionId” : “8AC5DB0F-470C-4051-8289-BF1B4F56F024”,\n “status” : 0\n}”
[debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent running on ip ‘’
[debug] [XCUITest] WebDriverAgent successfully started after 19311ms
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘wdaSessionAttempted’ logged at 1510262480371 (23:21:20 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {“desiredCapabilities”:{“bundleId”:“beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe”,“arguments”:[],“environment”:{},“shouldWaitForQuiescence”:true,“shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection”:false,“maxTypingFrequency”:60,“shouldUseSingletonTestManager”:true}}
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Got response with status 200: {“value”:“Failed to launch beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe application”,“sessionId”:“8AC5DB0F-470C-4051-8289-BF1B4F56F024”,“status”:13}
[debug] [XCUITest] Failed to create WDA session. Retrying…
[debug] [BaseDriver] Event ‘wdaSessionAttempted’ logged at 1510262663687 (23:24:23 GMT+0200 (IST))
[debug] [XCUITest] Sending createSession command to WDA
[debug] [JSONWP Proxy] Proxying [POST /session] to [POST http://localhost:8100/session] with body: {“desiredCapabilities”:{“bundleId”:“beta.SkyGiraffe.SkyGiraffe”,“arguments”:[],“environment”:{},“shouldWaitForQuiescence”:true,“shouldUseTestManagerForVisibilityDetection”:false,“maxTypingFrequency”:60,“shouldUseSingletonTestManager”:true}}
open .