Can someone please help me with selecting spinner item in android.
I have checked with the previous discussion in this forum regarding spinner but those doesn't seem to help.
I am using appium 1.5.3.
Any leads are appreciated.
try this:
public void testExample(){ WebElement spinner=driver.findElement(By.id("android:id/text1")); spinner.click(); driver.scrollToExact("India"); WebElement optionIndia=driver.findElement(By.name("India")); optionIndia.click();}
Tried but it shows the following Exception
InvalidSelectorException: Locator Strategy 'name' is not supported for this session
we do it in following way:1 - check current value of spin2 - depending if it more or less scroll spin to needed direction3 - repeat 1+2
use xpath or id instead of name
How can I give id for spinner items which is dynamic?
Is your app available on play store, if yes then tell me the may be I'll corss check from my side
Sorry its not yet released. Its just a simple spinner in which I will select the country.
With the older version of appium By.name works but with the latest version 1.5.3 its not working. And I am looking for an alternate and I have some other dependencies due to which I cannot switch to the older version
Try using findElementByAndroidUIAutomator Eg: driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator(“new UiSelector().text(“India”)”).click();