I’m using appium server 1.6.3, java ver 1.8 and appium java-client ver 6.1.0
I try to click on element with text “Special offers”, but I can not understand what I’m doing wrong
I tried to find the item in several ways:
- By class name:
@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().className(\"android.support.v7.widget.at\").index(2)")
- Search by element tree
@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().resourceId(\"com.infoshopping.app:id/design_navigation_view\")") @AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().className(\"android.support.v7.widget.at\").index(2)") @AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().resourceId(\"com.infoshopping.app:id/design_menu_item_text\")")
- and by text
@AndroidFindBy(uiAutomator = "new UiSelector().text(\"Special offers")")
The first 2 options didn’t work
I can’t find an element by text, cuz the app is written for several languages
but i can’t understand why click on element doesn’t work