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Cannot locate an element by this Strategy on mac os
Weird logs coming while running appium
Scrolling is not working on nested scrollview c# android
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement
Error 'Returned value cannot be converted to WebElement' with Appium 1.9.0
Create and run additional simulator "appiumTest - XXXXXX" for each test
Unable to find the elements for Android versions 7 and above
Appium Find element issues, work sometimes and fails again
How to handle native android keyboard using appium
Stop the loading time in a mobile web page with appium
Error getting device API level and crashing ADB
Hide keyboard on IOS while testing web application
Does Appium support gem 'selenium-webdriver', '3.14.1' yet? When tried, I am getting error Method not implemented for clicks
Start appium server from terminal on MAC Machine
Cannot run yarn appium
Not able to switch to webviews with appium@1.9.2-beta.2
AppiumDotNet Driver - error - System.IO.FIleNotFoundException
Cannot open appium studio
Change iOS UserDefaults
Appium server failure
Unable to get count and text of all items in recycler view
(appium dotnet) A exception with a null response was thrown sending an HTTP request to the remote WebDriver server
Appium failed to respond after opening the native iOS app
Appium server does not respond
No response from appium server
Appium server not responding
Bad app: App paths need to be absolute, or relative to the appium server install dir, or a URL to compressed file, or a special app name
Getting issue on compile time , using appium with android studio
Could not assign default certificate
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