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Unresolved : Could not find any webviews yet, refreshing/retrying [Appium 1.9.1]
Appium keeps trying to clear text on empty textfields
Cannot run Appium Scripts with UiAutomator2
Appium is unable to locate element for android version 7.0 and above with all the appium version (1.6.X ,1.7.X, 1.8.X)
Unable to launch app on real device getting an error when running script uncaughtException: Android bootstrap socket crashed: Error: getaddrinfo ENOENT u ndefined:4724
How to switch to an overlay of a react-native app in appium?
adbExec error when creating new AndroidDriver for Android chrome automation
Not able to create APPIUM IOS session with Selenium 3.12.0
Issue while running emulator from eclipse - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils
Unable to scroll when there are multiple scrolls available
I want to know a genric method for scrolling in appium java
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT: Can't install app on Android Emulator
Appium does not detect the overlying webview
Selecting an item from a spinner list(drop down) takes too long- android
Appium detection of elements on react native screen is very slow
[iOS12][JS] Appium 1.9.1 loop when find webviews contexts
Appium server not responding on but does on
Cannot find element
.send_keys("x.x") for iOS slider is not working
Failure with waiting WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner response
Getting Incorrect Package and Activity error on Appium for a Native app (Project specific)
Appium 1.6.5 - org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Method has not yet been implemented - on using Touch Action
Error: java.lang.SecurityException: adb clearing user data is forbidden.'; Code: '1'
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems after running my first Appium script
Having problems scrolling to offscreen items with 1.9.1
How to search the subelement in ios?
Interactions are not available for this element
Emoji in TextView widget breaks Appium Inspector
[Appium - Ruby] Unable to start driver
Upgrade to 1.9 from 1.8.1 Issue
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