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Error: The application at '/appTest/src/test/resources/apk/myapp.ipa' does not exist or is not accessible
Appium cannot find element
Does Appium tool allow to automate Google Chrome browser on real iOS device and How can we switch between applications
Split view Support
Could not create simulator with name 'appiumTest-iPhone XR - 12.1', device type id 'iPhone XR - 12.1' and runtime id '12.1'
Automate appium server using ruby
In Java Client 7 unable to use Presseskey
“driver cannot be resolved” I am new to Java AND programming. Can you please help me?
How to solve the issue "element could not finding such parameter"
Can i use a random function for clicking between 2 different locators
How to avoid logcat
How to send year, month and day to Android date picker
Bring up keyboard when Appium doesn't want to?
I need help with appium setup with javascript client for iOS
Error for appium inspector
Page Object Selector containing variable
Unable to scroll on appium 1.7.1
How to find Android elements that have the same Resource-Id but different Indexs and Names
What is the best tutorial for appium javascript for iOS
Activity used to start app doesn't exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity
Trouble to execute parallel test
Appium Support for QT/QML Apps?
How to access popup windows in appium when running test
Scrolling not working due wrong element location
Can i run my appium script on Honeywell devices CT50?
Cannot Connect to Simple Apcelerator Titanium HelloWorld Android App
UIAutomatorviewer throws error
iOS Testing without .ipa file
Object index changes according with device
Java-Client 5.0.1 error - JAVA_HOME is not set currently. Please set JAVA_HOME
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